Monday, September 26, 2011


Well, we are coming to the end of our deployment, which means I won't have extra money to put onto the credit cards. Going into the deployment that extra money is always the silver lining! So, since I will be setting the extra for this last month aside to help us while we get balanced back out and use to having a lot less money with an extra mouth to feed and and extra vehicle on the roads, I figured now would be a good time to see just how much got accomplished this year!! (Plus, I'm having a bad morning, I need a pick me up!) So here we go:

Card 1:
   - Nov. 2010 had a balance of $20,018.00
   - Sept. 2011 has a balance of $14,239.00
Card 2:
   - Nov. 2010 had a balance of $8,071.00
   - PAID OFF in April
Card 3:
   - Nov. 2010 had a balance of $7,800 (about since I can't see that far back online!)
   - Sept. 2011 has a balance of $5,144.00   

   - Nov. 2010: $35,889.00
   -Sept. 2011: 19,383.00

That's $16,506 paid off this past year!! Yay us!! Now, we still have a good way to to go, but I've done really well at not using the cards, or if I do paying it off immediately. If we can continue to do so, and pay the amount I've set as my monthly payment goal, we'll have it all paid off in 5 years. With tax returns and any other deployments, it can be sooner!!
As I've said in a previous post, it is a large amount, but we knew what we were getting into when we charged it, and still both of us will say it was totally worth it!! And I am not ashamed to show these numbers because I know it was us who spent it, I will never say its not our fault we have such a huge debt, and we are consciusly working to pay it off!! But, now I feel better knowing what I have accomplished this past year!!

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